音乐事工 | Music Ministry
Music Ministry

歌罗西书3:16 你们要让基督的道丰丰富富地住在你们心里,以各样的智慧,彼此教导,互相劝戒,用诗章、圣诗、灵歌,怀着感恩的心歌颂 神。
♫ 以诗歌和音乐荣神益人!
1) 祭司-献祭的服事:引领会众以圣乐向神呈献祷告、感恩及赞美的祭。
2) 先知-宣扬的服事:以诗歌歌词传达神的话语和信息,宣扬神的作为和爱。
3) 教师-教导的服事:教导会众学习颂赞神,藉着诗歌彼此教导、劝勉、实践圣经的教训。
每周主日,早上 11点 – 12点半,教会二楼崇拜厅。
Establishment of the Choir
At the inception of the Chinese Worship Service, two sisters-in- Christ discovered a few younger brothers- and sisters-in- Christ have the gift of music. Thus they were recruited to be equipped with greater musical skills to serve in the music ministry. Thereafter, others who love music and singing joined in under the leadership of the Music Pastor. Thus the Choir took shape. However, due to the nature of shift work of several members of the Choir, the turnover of the Choir was rather high. When the Choir members humbly pursued growth in their spiritual life and development of their musical skills, they grew in commitment to this sacred music service. From the Choir, worship leaders emerged and so did the accompanying worship team. Most of the members of the current worship team are offshoots of the Choir.
Goal of the Choir
Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
♫ Glorify God and Edify People through Hymns and Music.
Mission of the Choir
To serve as priest, prophet and teacher
1) Priest – present sacrifices: through sacred music, lead the congregation to offer prayers, thanksgiving and praise to God;
2) Prophet – propagate God’s Word: through the lyrics of the hymns, convey God’s Word and message, and proclaim God’s works and love
3) Teacher – instruct: teach the congregation to praise God, instruct each other, exhort and put into practice teaching of the Bible.
Schedule of Choir Practice
Every Sunday morning, 11.00 – 12.30 hours, Level 2 worship hall.