查经班 | Bible Studies
Bible Studies

PPH华文部从2012年开始采用归纳性查经,使用恩言善道 (Precept Ministry) 的材料,帮助信徒掌握归纳推理(Inductive reasoning) 的方法,学习理解和实践圣经真理。
这些年来我们完成了马太福音、使徒行传、但以理书、 彼得前后书、犹大书、以斯帖记、路加福音。目前是学习以赛亚书。接下来,我们计划从2018年7月份开始,查考哥林多前后书。
The PPH CA has since 2012 been training inductive Bible studies skills, using the materials of the Precept Ministry. This approach helps believers to master Inductive reasoning skills and learn Biblical truth.
The so-called induction study is to observe, categorize, reflect and apply in the process of reading and studying the Bible. This inductive logic is based on a series of empirical or intellectual materials to find out the basic or common rules, and assume that others in the same category also obey these rules, so as to integrate the meanings of these patterns and find out the main points and centre of the scripture passages. Lastly is the contemporary application.
We meet on Tuesday night 7:30pm to 9:30pm in church. For a typical Bible Studies, we first do it individually at home. Next, we come together for group lesson. We thus learn from one another through group discussion and gain new biblical insight. After every 3 lessons, we have a life to life sharing session with a short lecture to summarize the last 3 lessons. We have a fellowship pot luck dinner together to catch up with one another. Participants always look forward to the delicious home cooked food. The short summary lecture ensued allows us to reinforce our learning and catch up with the lessons. The Bible Studies trains our discipline, hunger for His Word and applies the biblical truth in our daily living.
We have thus far covered the book on Matthew, Acts, Daniel, Peter 1 & 2, Jude, Esther, Luke and is doing Isaiah. Subsequently, we plan to do the 1 & 2 Corinthians starting from July 2018.