三代同堂 | Tri-generation

2015年开始,PPH华文部当中越来越多的家庭添丁,于是许多长辈从中国来到我们间, 为了让长辈们有个属于自己的平台和空间;为了塑造儿童成长的品格;为了让父母知道如何按圣经原则正确教养孩子,我们就开始了三代同堂的事工。
Since the beginning of 2015, more and more families in the PPH CA are having children, and therefore many elderly from China to look after grandchildren come to us. To allow elderly to have their own platform and space, shape the character of children’s growth, and to let parents know how to properly teach children according to biblical principles, we started the Tri-Generation fellowship group.
In the first two years, once every two months, activities include mainly excursions, lectures, movies, family interactions, Christmas games, making bread, etc. But this year will be different. Starting in June 2018 in the Teban Garden community, a “Tri- Generation Activities Centre” will be set up, and there will be two events each month. Every monthly second and fourth week, from 10am to 2pm, there will be interacting activities for children and elderly at the same time.
Every Sunday morning 11:10am-12:30pm, we have couple fellowship, on the fourth floor of the church. Children activities are run concurrently.
We welcome everyone to join us with your young children. May our Tri-Generation fellowship become more exciting because of you!