华文部 | Chinese Assembly
Chinese Assembly

1. 本地乐龄人士,其中包括德曼花园社区居民
2. 护士及家庭、国大学生及毕业生
3. 新移民家庭,目前有75位16岁以下的孩童
我们鼓励会友回到实体来崇拜,每主日设有德曼花园到PPH 的免费往返巴士。
欲知更多详情,请联系吴霞传道。 愿恩惠、平安从我们的父神并主耶稣基督,归于你们!”(罗1:7)
PPH Chinese Assembly was established in 2004. At that time, 5 couples from the English Service come to help out the ministry, and care for the groups of people mainly from:
1. Local seniors, including residents of Teban Garden community
2. Nurses and families, NUS students and graduates
3. New immigrant families with 75 children under 16 years old.
The church valued much on marriage and family, living out the life of Christ from family, and endeavors to cultivate a Godly next generation. We regularly held the husband fellowship, the wife group, and mothers’ prayer group all year round, and will organize courses like the “Intimacy Journey”, “6A Course” and “Character First” from time to time.
Members are encouraged to participate in discipleship training, including regional discipleship groups, Tuesday Bible studies, and Friday Bible overview.
Mission is the heartbeat of the whole church. Each year, the Chinese Assembly organizes Alpha course, holiday evangelism, CAPing, and St. Luke’s elder care activities, to set a platform for evangelism. Every day, the Word &Media team will regularly send out the devotional article “同心同行” (Walking Together in one Heart).
Every Thursday is the PPHCA Visitation Day. We bring the holy communion and greetings to different families, and take prayer items back to the church. Those items will be remembered in our whatsapp prayer group and prayer meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month, so that everyone can be united in the love of God. Other than that, we also have Music Ministry and Usher team.
Members are encouraged to return to the physical service, and there is a free shuttle bus from Teban Garden to PPH every Sunday.
For more details, please contact Pastor Angela Wu Xia. Grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 1:7)